About Me

The Returd Highway - from Retirement to Oblivion (possibly via incontinence and dribbling or both). We walked 1000 km of it last year on the Bibbulmun Track, but to discover more of the true Oz, we needed wheels (four) and a bed. We just got them. We plan to just take off and make for significant points - how we get there is a matter for chance and circumstance. So hold on to your hats and anything else that might blow off, we'll keep you posted on our voyage of discovery.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Cooling Off in Thermal Pools

Not far up the highway from Tennant Creek is Threeways Roadhouse where folk coming from the south either peel off right towards Queensland or continue straight ahead into the Territory. Here was the parting of the ways for Thomas and Margaret and me and Maurs. We had a great time together but all good things do come to an end and after a long drawn out cup of coffee we said our goodbyes and moved on. Threeways was nothing like I had imagined it. I thought it was a tough frontier joint with cow skulls adorning hitching posts and dust and cactus everywhere, but it was just like any other roadhouse. People called in to buy petrol and then left!
                                                                 See ya in the surf!!
We travelled on to the Daly Waters Pub which is about 300 km north and 3 km off the Stuart Highway but touted as a place to stay. It is  a pub designed by larrikins in the great Australian Wanka style perhaps overdone in the way that writers try to avoid mixed metaphors but just can’t. The front bar has a collection of bras and panties dangling above it (presumably donated spontaneously by nubile young women carried away by their special time in Daly Waters – yeah, right!). At the back of the bar is a wall full of foreign banknotes with autographed messages from the happy donors (a hundred thousand Vietnamese Dong note – wow! Worth a fortune!)  Leading out to the beer garden is a collection of antiques in the form of old toasters, spoons, rusty irons – anything from 1988 back that has been lying around but hadn’t found its way to the dump (it’s called local history). In the beer garden was a collection of donated hats – the shitier looking the better, hanging from the roof. And the piece de resistance, a collection of car number plates, not only from Australian vehicles but from the US, Canada and Europe. Have I missed anything? Well neither did they.
 Did I forget anything now? Boat? Check. Spare car? Check. Sat TV? Check. Air Con? Checkerooney!
                                       Cats and dogs....living together in vans!! What next?
In its favour the beer was cold, the meals were terrific (house speciality is half beef/half barramundi with a big salad bar) and the entertainment was good too (a young lad from Wagga Wagga no less living his dream of playing and singing around the country). Places like this attract their share of idiots. I heard one guy at the bar say that he had read a travel book on Darwin to Alice Springs (presumably big print) that talked of the Daly Waters Pub and so he had to visit it – gee sunshine, there ain’t much else between those two towns – could have been the shortest book in history if the author had left it out! Anyway check out the rig that nestled in for the night; talk about big boys’ toys. Pretentious?
It was just a short drive the next day to Mataranka (100 or so kilometres). We had decided to stop and recharge the batteries there for three days, staying at a place called Bitter Springs. By heading north, we had outrun our comfortable weather zone and found ourselves in 37C heat plus humidity plus no breezes. Mataranka’s claim to fame is its thermal springs and the creek at Bitter Springs is the pick of the locations, however it is difficult to cool off in thermal springs at any time, pleasant as it was. I found myself gulping down cold water by the litre trying to keep hydrated. This worried Maurs as I am not known for my water-drinking skills.
                                        Maurs enjoying the thermal waters at Bitter Springs
                                                         Early morning is the best time....

On the last night we tried out the local restaurant and found that we had gate-crashed a conference being held at the resort. Suddenly we were shaking hands and introducing ourselves to conference delegates, shooting the breeze about various issues, but stopping short of grabbing free drinks at the bar (I just didn’t think it was right you know). I reckon we have enough experience to crash any conference and seem....sincere. We had the barramundi that night also – we could easily clean the Territory of that blasted fish if we keep going.

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