About Me

The Returd Highway - from Retirement to Oblivion (possibly via incontinence and dribbling or both). We walked 1000 km of it last year on the Bibbulmun Track, but to discover more of the true Oz, we needed wheels (four) and a bed. We just got them. We plan to just take off and make for significant points - how we get there is a matter for chance and circumstance. So hold on to your hats and anything else that might blow off, we'll keep you posted on our voyage of discovery.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Leaving Melbourne

We are once again cruisin’ the Returd Highway after a month “off it” in Melbourne . Next big stop is Brisbane and it will be a quick trip north as I have to do some work in Bris. This semi-retirement sucks a bit at times – like when you have to work!
                                                    Catching up with Skaf at the Cafe Sana
We managed to catch up with quite a few people in Melbourne and spent some quality time with Donna and Craig and Renee and Justin (and Dexter the dog).  It was a bit disconcerting being greeted by a garden gnome called Ben Sherman at the front door of Craig and Donna’s place but once we negotiated the boundaries(he stayed on the doorstep – I edged around him on the way out) we were fine. We did try to oust him when we cleaned out their garage but Ben dragged his sorry ceramic arse back to the doorstep before the garbage truck arrived.
                                                              Ben Sherman - almost toast!

We would have seen more friends and done more in Melbourne if it wasn’t for Maurs’ back problem. She’s fine now and the upside was that we were able to fund some Osteopath’s kids through a year of private schools and a European holiday in the process.

We stayed at Justin and Ren’s house over Easter and just as well we did. Easter Monday night we all turned in early as some of us had to go to work the next day. At about 3.30 am Maurs woke to hear her phone ringing, then she heard Ren mumbling something about a phone. “It’s ok,” said Maurs “it’s my phone!” “I know” said Ren, “I’m calling you!” From the next bedroom?!

It took a while for the fuzz to clear but it turns out when Justin closed the bedroom door upon retiring it locked and when he tried to open it for a call of nature it refused to open.It was good and locked and no amount of tickling from either side would open it. So the Foley Demolition Team set to in the early hours of Tuesday morning to get that door open at all costs. After all there were somewhat anxious people waiting on the other side. We tried to be nice; we tried to be subtle; but in the end it was hammers and screwdrivers to remove the stubborn lock cylinder. We can’t imagine what the neighbours thought of the loud hammering sounds at that hour but still, we prevailed and they were released from their prison. Conversation then centred around what they would have done had we not been in the house – and then as to whether they should be left alone at all! However Brisbane was calling and we set off on the Wednesday with a special guest in tow! Who is it? Stay tuned...
                                                           Should we leave these people  alone?

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